Monday, April 21, 2014

3D Permanent Brows Dubai

3D Permanent Brows Dubai is a type of cosmetic treatment to improve the appearance of brows. Michele Soudi is an aesthetician that has been in the business of improving beauty and self-confidence for years. 3D Permanent Brows is suitable for anybody who wants clearly defined brows.
Some of us have very few hairs in the region of the brows making it difficult to get a dramatic or even a natural look without spending hours in front of a mirror drawing the eyebrows in each time you need to go out. Thin or nonexistent eyebrows can also happen after medical treatment or for those who have been diagnosed with cancer. 3D Permanent Brows makes it possible to have natural thick eyebrows constantly without hassle.

The treatment for 3D eyebrows may take up to a month to complete, in two or three treatments if your brows are almost non-existent depending on how much depth you desire. However, if your brows require only light pigmentation, you may need just a single treatment to get the brows you desire.
Michele Soudi is a certified 3D eyebrow technician in Dubai, trained in the UK. She brings her expert knowledge of brow shapes and depth designing to Dubai to give her clients new and old a chance of having perfect eyebrows whenever they leave home.
The first steps in the 3D eyebrow treatment is the application of a topical anaesthetic, which is applied to the region to numb the skin ensuring that you are comfortable during the procedure. The anaesthetic may take up to 20 minutes to take effect, during this time, you can decide on the shape of eyebrows you want.
Michele Soudi recommends that the eyebrow shape you choose, should naturally suit your features without looking out of place. When deciding on the eyebrows, you will need to consider, the shape of your face, the contours and depth of your eyes, and the colour of your hair. It is best to follow the natural brow line when attempting to tattoo in a new set of eyebrows.

When the anaesthetic takes effect, the eyebrow region will be wiped cleaned before the decided eyebrows are drawn in to create an outline to work with. Once you are completely satisfied with the shape and colour, the treatment will begin with an electrical powered machine that has a few single use needles grouped together. The needles will not penetrate deep in to the skin, but lightly touching the skin to insert the natural pigments. The dermatological pigments will be inserted in a brush stroke to the give effect of natural hairs. A second application of anaesthetic will be needed half way through the treatment to ensure you are comfortable during the entire process.

If you already have some amount of hairs, your treatment may end with a single application. However, if you wish to have darker brows, a second treatment is needed. The second treatment; about a month after the first, will begin like the first with the application of anaesthetic. The topical cream is left on the skin for 20 minutes while the needle and electric machine is prepared. The second application needle is a single needle, which will help to create strokes similar to natural hair. The technique used throughout the treatment will vary, to ensure a messy natural look for your eyebrows.

3D Eyebrows, is similar to skin tattooing but uses different techniques and needles and does not penetrate deep into the skin like tattoo needles do. For this reason, as your skin recycles regularly, you will have to have touch up treatment done every year or if really required depending on your skin every 6 to 8 months. Contact Michele Soudi today to book your consultation for improving your eyebrows.

1 comment:

  1. How much it costs..i did tatto 1month before and know i need to re do it couse i want darker color
